TraceWatch Website Statistics

[IMPORTANT] Please read the update instruction carefully every time you update. With each new update, update instruction might change as well.

[IMPORTANT] To upgrade TraceWatch v0.2x to v0.3x you should ignore instructions below and follow the TraceWatch migration instructions.

Follow the instructions in the table below from top to bottom perform those actions that apply to your current version (specified in the first column).

AllThe update should go smoothly but if you want to be extra cautious backup your TraceWatch database and files to be able to go back if something went wrong.
Alledit twatch/base/profiles/default/settings.php on your server set $settings[ 'down' ] to true. This will turn off TraceWatch so that partially updated TraceWatch doesn't cause errors and corrupt data.
<= 0.332Add the following lines to your twatch/base/profiles/default/settings.php:
$settings[ 'db_charset' ] = 'utf8';
$settings[ 'db_collation' ] = 'utf8_general_ci';
$settings[ 'db_mysql_big_selects' ] = false;
$settings[ 'disable_output_buffering' ] = true;
If you used to get the mysql MAX_JOIN_SIZE error message set $settings[ 'db_mysql_big_selects' ] to true. Don't do it if you were not or you will just add an unnecessary query to all your request.
<=0.351Copy files in the TraceWatch update package below to twatch folder on your server (overwrite any existing file).
AllCopy files in the TraceWatch Country Plugin Update package below to twatch/profiles/default/plugins/1_country folder on your server (overwrite any existing file).
AllCopy files in the IP-to-Country Application Update package below to twatch/country folder on your server (overwrite any existing file).
0.352Not very important but to prevent later confusion edit twatch/lib/Global.php and change version from 0.352 to 0.353
<=0.338Create a folder named plugins inside twatch/user/profiles/default folder on your server (if it doesn't exist already) then copy the 1_twatch folder available in the User Manager TraceWatch Plugin package below to it (files should go into twatch/user/profiles/default/plugins/1_twatch folder).
<= 0.300Delete twatch/aaa.php, twatch/a.php and twatch/b.php from your server.
<=0.351With your browser go to http://{yourdomain}/twatch/admin/update.php, login, click on "Update" button and wait until you see "TraceWatch Successfully Updated" message. If you have multiple profiles you should do this once for each profile. If updating TraceWatch v0.321 or lower this update might take a while and significantly increase the size of data in db, be prepared.
AllWith your browser go to http://{yourdomain}/twatch/country/admin/install.php, login, check "overwrite if tables already exist", click "Install IP-to-Country" and wait until you see "ip-to-country installed successfully"
Please make sure you type the install page url correctly (note .../country/... in url) or you might accidentally delete all your TraceWatch data.
<= 0.332If you were using the JavaScript code on your pages the code might still work but it is Highly Recommended that you go to the Code Generator and get the new code.
Alledit twatch/base/profiles/default/settings.php on your server set $settings[ 'down' ] back to false to turn on TraceWatch.
AllIf there is any problem with TraceWatch pages after the update, press CTRL+F5 or CTRL+R to force your browser to reload the page and ignore its cache.
All If you had changed anything in admin section and that thing has also been changed by this update, your change will be used and the update's change will be ignored. For example if you had changed the google search engine pattern, and the update also changes that, your pattern will be used. To ignore your change and apply update's change you should click on "Restore Default" button for that data in admin page if available.

Current Version: 0.353